Price - $10.00
This soft-cover, glossy-page booklet is an original (not a reproduction) program for the 1938 Hampton Tercentenary celebration. "The articles and information given herein are compiled and furnished by residents and friends of Hampton." Along with articles and pictures, there are numerous ads (partial and full-page) for Hampton businesses, which are quite interesting to read.
- Foreword
- An Old Family of Hampton [Tuck]
- An Old Town By the Sea
- "The Witch of Hampton" [Goody Cole]
- Thorvald
- Official Tercentenary Program
- Hampton Beach - pictures
- map of Hampton
- The Evolution of the American Flag
- The Town Seal
- Separation of the Towns
- Hampton's Part in the Wars
- To the Town of Exeter
- Is New Rum Legal Tender in Old Hampton?
- Hampton Academy
- The Hampton Public Library
- Taxes! Taxes! Taxes! [picture and text of tax proclamation from 1745]
- The Churches of Hampton
- Town Officers 1938
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