The Marelli's Market Exhibit was on display in the Tuck Museum for most of 2014. Below is the original webpage describing it.
Archive enhancement: if you click on the images below, you will see a high-resolution version, where you can read what the exhibit said, and also see the details in the dress and tux (use your browser back button to return to this page).
There is also an article about the exhibit on pages 2-3 of the
July, 2014 edition of the HHS newsletter.
Click image for larger view
An exhibit about Marelli's Market's 100 years in Hampton, N.H. is now on display at the Tuck Museum through the end of the year.
Click image for larger view
As part of the exhibit there is a wall display of panels with pictures from the market's 100 years.
Mannequins dressed in 1914 period costumes along with the original wedding dress of Celestina
Marelli are on display. Some items from the Marelli family collection are also showcased. The display was produced and coordinated by Cheryl Lassiter, Ann Carnaby and Karen Raynes, with assistance from Betty Moore and Rich Hureau.

The book written by Marcia Hannon-Buber and Karen
Raynes (Luigi & Celestina Marelli's granddaughters),
Marelli's Market the First 100 Years in Hampton, N.H.
1914-2014, is available for viewing and purchase
at the museum or online (click