The First HHS Fall Festival was held on Sunday, October 10 on the grounds of the Tuck Museum, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. It was an overcast day with a leaden sky, but it didn't rain or even sprinkle, so it was a good day for strenuous exercise. Fortunately for HHS volunteers, we had arranged for other folks to do that for us - see the acrobats below. All the HHS volunteers had to do was stand around and think, "Yeah, right. I could do that, but I just choose not to." Well, dream on.
The main attractions were the acrobatic team of Baechtold and Abel and the Hula Hoop expert extraordinaire Laura Hanley. Molly Baechtold is the daughter of one of HHS Board of Trustee's officers, Ed Baechtold (treasurer). She and her partner Laura Abel perform throughout the New England area (and elsewhere), and
their website has some amazing pictures.
For food, there was the food vending truck
Big Bad Food Truck, which features selections that are "from scratch, without the additives." There was also the Popcorn Wagon. Various organizations had booths, including the Boy Scouts (Troop 177); The League of Women Voters; Village Preschool & Community Coalition; The Lion's Club (cornhole Court). Thanks to our sponsors: Newburyport Bank; Tobey & Merrill Insurance; LaValley Building Supply, Middleton Building Supply; Hampton Area Chamber of Commerce; Bob Dennett, CPA; and Ann Justin.
This was our first effort in doing the festival and we think it came out pretty well, enough so that we might have one next year too. Enjoy the pictures!
Photos by volunteers Rich Hureau, Karen Raynes, and Molly St.Jeanne
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