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This page contains links to other websites that may be of interest to our visitors.
Lane Memorial Library is changing their website. They are working to get the historical resources available through them up and running soon, but in the meantime many of the links to their webpages (flagged with this background color) may be broken. Please feel free to contact the Library directly for any assistance with their records.
Website | Description |
Hampton Historical Information |
Lane Memorial Library - Tuck Museum Info | This link brings up the Lane Library's information about the Tuck Museum and the Hampton Historical Society. |
Lane Memorial Library - Hampton History | This link brings up the Lane Library's top-level index of information about Hampton History. |
Lane Library - index of misc Hampton History articles | Miscellaneous articles about the history of Hampton. |
Lane Library Photo Database | Searchable database of Hampton historical photos |
Dow's History of Hampton | |
Peter Randall's History of Hampton | |
The Benjamin James House |
Site devoted to a house on Towle Farm Road in Hampton which is a National Historic Site.
Hampton General Information |
Hampton Academy and
Winnacunnet High School Alumni Association |
Website for the alumni of the two schools. |
Lane Memorial Library | The Lane Library is a good source for all Hampton Information. |
Town of Hampton | Official town website. |
Experience Hampton |
A non-profit grassroots organization whose purpose is to promote Hampton. The website contains news and information about goings-on around Hampton.
New Hampshire Historical Information |
New Castle Historical Society |
New Hampshire Historical Society |
"Whatever your question, whatever your need, if it is about New Hampshire - past or present - the NH Historical Society is here to help you find the answer."
Rye Historical Society | Rye Historical Society and Town Museum |
Other Historical Information |
Orange County Firefighters Museum | The first county-wide fire museum was born in 1996 by a county-wide group of fire commissioners, chiefs, volunteer and professional firefighters. The museum is situated in the old firehouse in the village of Montgomery. The Grand Opening was held on September 9, 2006. |
PreservationDirectory.com | "the online resource for historic preservation, building restoration and cultural resource management in the United States & Canada." |
Antique Spectacles | Very interesting site concerned with antique spectacles and other vision aids |
Colonial Sense |
"The web site for all things Colonial"
New Hampshire Seacoast Information |
seacoastonline.com | A fine site with links to other NH seacoast sites. |
Hampton Beach, NH (hamptonbeach.org) |
News and info about Hampton Beach
Miscellaneous Links of Interest |
www.hayinart.com/ | Hay In Art - everything you ever wanted to know about this topic. Mentions several of our Turner paintings. |