Price - $10.00
Based on the personal papers of Hampton native Mary Anna Page Getchell (1832-1913) and the Page-Cole Family Papers, this is the story of an educated but ordinary woman in the 19th century who led an extraordinary life as a milliner, dressmaker, and shop proprietor in Exeter, NH and Polo, IL, successfully managing her shops throughout the turbulent years of the Civil War and beyond. Her story will be of special interest to the descendants of some of Hampton's early settlers: Page, Leavitt, Moulton, Marston, Tilton, Bachelder, Dow, Hussey, and Taylor. Researched and written by Cheryl A. Lassiter, history writer and Tuck museum volunteer.
Cheryl is also the author of A Meet and Suitable Person: Tavernkeeping in Old Hampton, New Hampshire, 1638-1783, also for sale in the HHS Store.
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Price = $10.00 + $3.00 shipping and handling = $13 each
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