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1938 Pageant Identification Project


On August 23 and 24, 1938, the Hampton Tercentenary Pageant Committee presented The Drama of Winnacunnet, An Historical Pageant-Spectacle.

Above is a panoramic photograph of the cast. The Hampton Historical Society would like to identify as many people in this photograph as possible. We have separated the above image into 4 high-resolution sections, with each person given a number. The plan is to have anyone who thinks they know the name of a numbered person to send an email to us at, with the number and the person's name. We will then add this name to the list below.

Below is a list of the names of the cast members of the pageant, taken from the program notes. There is no guarantee that all the names in the lists are people present in the picture, and it is certainly possible that there are some people in the picture who were not listed in the program (marked with an asterisk in the list below).

The role a person played is also shown in the list. Since an individual could perform multiple roles during the play, they can be listed more than once in the list below. Until we can associate a person in the image with a name, we do not know which costume such a person is wearing in the picture. Once we establish an ID, we will remove the duplicate entries in the list, and only retain the one reflecting how they appear in the picture.

As identifications come in, we will add numbers to the names in the list. There is also a list further down in number order, showing those who have been identified - see below).

If you think you know the name of someone in the picture, please let us know. We do not require any proof or substantiation. At this point, we have no idea who these people are, so we'll take any information anyone has. If two emailers identify the same numbered person with a different name, we will have to resolve it by contacting both identifiers. We will not reveal who has IDed each numbered person, so feel free to send us your names.

To view a high-res section of the image, either click the section area of the image at the top of this page, or click below. Note that there is some overlap between sections. (Sections open in a separate window, so you can switch back and forth between the section image and this window with the names):

A note about printing: These high-resolution images should not be printed using your browser. If you want to print one, you would need to first save it to your harddrive, and then open it in an image manipulation program (Paint Shop Pro, Photoshop, Photoshop Elements, etc), and print it from there.

We do not recommend printing them, however, since the results will be much harder to view than viewing them on the computer screen. You will probably need a magnifying glass to view the individuals and the numbers on them on a printed version. We have printed versions at the Tuck Museum - if you want to save paper and ink but still want to use a printed version, come in and we'll be glad to help.

For more information about printing images on this website, click here.

Down to list of people identified so far

Cast members
Names are taken from the printed program; names which have been added based on an identification, but not in the program, are marked with an *.
The Section column is a link to the section where the person's picture is, plus the coordinates where they can be found.
The Note column usually contains the married or maiden name for women, when available.
 Aiguier, JohnBraves   
 Akerman, LincolnPeople   
 Akerman, OliverPeople224Section3;G1 
 Ames, LucySquaws   
 Anderson, ArlineChildren   
 Arnold, ShirleyGirls in contest (also Miss Columbia)219Section3;G1 
 Arnold, VirginiaGuests   
 Auger, RobertSettlers   
 Averill, GeorgianaGirls in contest   
 Bailey, MarjorieUSA Girls   
 Bailey, VirginiaUSA Girls   
 Barron, ArnoldJohn G. Whittier   
 Barron, CarlineFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts   
 Barron, KathleenThe States240Section3;G1 
 Barron, WinifredFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts   
 Batchelder, AudreyUSA Girls   
 Batchelder, BlanchePeople   
 Batchelder, CharlotteThe States238Section3;G1 
 Batchelder, DorisGirls of all Nations68Section1;A1 
 Batchelder, DorothyGirls of all Nations179Section2;D1 
 Batchelder, Edwin Jr.William Sanborn63Section1;A1 
 Batchelder, FlorencePeople277Section3;I1 
*Batchelder, GeraldBoy and Girl Scouts379Section4;L2 
 Batchelder, GloriaUSA Girls   
 Batchelder, GordonGeorge Jenness234Section3;I1 
 Batchelder, RobertLife Guard227Section3;H1 
*Batchelder, TeddyUSA Girls350Section4;J1 
 Batchelder, WallaceConstable   
 Bergerson, FredBraves   
 Berry, BeatriceSettlers   
 Berry, KatherineSettlers   
 Berry, LeoraBallet of the Tide   
 Berry, MarianGuests   
 Birnett, DorisUSA Girls   
 Blake, BarbaraThe States154Section2;F1Brown
 Blake, JoanGirls of all Nations69Section1;A1 
 Blake, MaryNegro Mammy165Section2;F1 
 Blake, MyronSettlers19Section1;C1 
 Blake, PhyllisUSA Girls   
 Blatchford, EarlStephen Sanborn   
 Blatchford, OliveSquaws   
 Block, CharlesGuests   
 Block, LilaGuests   
 Bogret, JuneBallet of the Tide380Section4;J1 
 Bowen, NelsonBraves   
 Bradley, JaneChildren   
 Bragg, CarlEdward Gove8Section1;B1 
 Bragg, DorisHannah Gove30Section1;B1 
*Brooks, Jackie 107Section1;C2 
 Brooks, JohnChildren   
 Brooks, JohnGuests   
 Brooks, John W. R.General Moulton116Section2;D1 
 Brooks, NatalieThe States54Section1;B1 
 Brooks, OliveGuests141Section2;E1Bradbury
 Brooks, PeterChildren   
 Brown, BettyBallet of the Tide281Section3;I1Blatchford
 Brown, Carroll 196Section2;E2 
 Brown, CecileGirls of all Nations   
 Brown, ClaraPeople   
 Brown, EleanorBathing Belles   
*Brown, ElizabethPeople247Section3;H1 
 Brown, FrancesPeople   
 Brown, GeorgePeople   
 Brown, GretchenUSA Girls   
 Brown, HazelGuests159Section2;E1 
 Brown, HelenGuests138Section2;D1 
 Brown, HelviaSquaws   
 Brown, PorterTally-ho Driver   
*Brown, Rita 92Section1;B1 
 Brown, ShirleyGirls of all Nations   
*Brown, StanwoodBoy and Girl Scouts83Section1;A2 
 Bruneau, DorisUSA Girls   
 Buckley, PriscillaBallet of the Tide   
 Burditt, EffieGirls of all Nations   
 Burnett, JeanetteGirls of all Nations   
 Burnham, RaychelQueen's Guard   
 Burrows, GeorgeGuests   
 Butler, BarbaraBallet of the Tide   
 Cann, JacquelynUSA Girls   
 Carlson, ViolaBallet of the Tide   
 Carter, DorothyAngel23Section1;A1 
 Carter, GladysThe States241Section3;G1 
 Casey, JosephineGuests   
 Casey, PatrickGuests   
 Cate, JacquelynGirls of all Nations   
 Chase, J. MarshallBicycle Rider226Section3;G1 
 Chase, NataliePeople   
 Clark, EverettBoys   
 Clark, JoyUSA Girls   
 Clay, DorisGirls of all Nations90Section1;B1 
 Cleaveland, RobertGuests   
 Coffin, HazelGuests262Section3;G1Brown
 Coffin, NormanWilliam Marston   
 Collier, BeverlySquaws   
 Colt, JeanBallet of the Tide173Section2;E1 
 Cook, CarlSettlers   
 Coombs, AnneBallet of the Tide267Section3;G1 
 Coombs, IsobelSettlers   
 Coombs, Mary SusanUSA Girls309 or 310Section3;I2 
 Cram, JosephPeople   
 Cram, KatherinePeople   
 Cram, MargaretPeople   
 Craven, IreneGuests   
 Crowell, JohnSlave   
 Cushing, JohnSettlers   
*Cushing, RobertBoy and Girl Scouts85Section1;A2 
 Cushing, WilliamChildren188Section2;F2 
 David, OvilaSettlers   
 Davidson, EdwardAide to Governor   
 Davidson, SarahBallet of the Tide176Section2;F1 
 Davis, ChesterGuests   
 Davis, ElizabethGuests   
 Dearborn, LillianSettlers136Section2;D1 
 Dearborn, RichardChildren285Section3;G2 
 Dennett, VernonSettlers   
 Dennett, WilsonChildren   
 Dickie, MarieSquaws   
 Dobson, DorisGirls of all Nations   
 Dobson, WinellaUSA Girls   
 Donahue, NancyGuests   
 Dow, ShirleyUSA Girls   
 Drysdale, MargaretPeople   
 Durant, LenaSquaws   
 Durant, MarthaBallet of the Tide   
 Durant, MildredUSA Girls   
 Edgerly, AllenBoys371Section4;K2 
 Edgerly, CarletonPaul Revere33Section1;B1 
*Edgerly, EvelynGirls of all Nations186Section2;F1 
 Edgerly, HazelPeople   
 Edgerly, JeaniePeople244Section3;H1 
 Edgerly, RuthGirls of all Nations189Section2;F1 
 Edgerly, ThayerJohn French220Section3;G1 
 Eliot, Mrs. JohnSettlers   
 Elkins, DoriceBallet of the Tide169Section2;D1 
 Elkins, LauraBallet of the Tide72Section1;B1 
 Elkins, MaryBallet of the Tide175Section2;F1 
*Elliot, Alice 53Section1;B1 
 Elliot, JunePage - Boy and Girl Scouts312Section3;G2 
 Elliot, Mary AnnPage - Boy and Girl Scouts216Section2;F2 
 Ellis, JohnChildren99Section1;C1 
 Ellis, JohnBoy   
*Elwell, AnnaBallet of the Tide266Section3;H1Mason
 Elwell, MarianBallet of the Tide71Section1;B1Mason
 Emery, MildredBallet of the Tide274Section3;H1 
 Emery, PriscillaBallet of the Tide275Section3;H1Brown
 Engles, ArlineGirls of all Nations   
 Falconer, L. NormaSettlers   
 Felch MarySettlers   
 Felch, DoraSettlers   
 Felch, MarianUSA Girls   
 Felch, RuthBallet of the Tide   
 Felch, TheresaBallet of the Tide   
 Felker, ElaineBallet of the Tide   
 Felker, JaniceGirls of all Nations182Section2;E1 
 Fogg, DanielBoys   
 Fogg, DavidBoys   
 Fogg, FlorenceBallet of the Tide   
 Fogg, FlorencePeople   
 Fogg, HerveyBoys   
 Fogg, JaneGirls of all Nations   
 Fogg, LouisePeople   
 Fogg, PhylisBallet of the Tide   
 Freeman, BarbaraUSA Girls   
 Freeman, BettyUSA Girls302Section3;H2Sherwin
 Gagne, ConstanceUSA Girls297Section3;G2 
 Gagne, DianaBallet of the Tide   
 Gagne, JulieneGirls of all Nations178Section2;D1 
*Gagne, Ronald 82Section1;A2 
 Gale, ClaraSettlers62Section1;C1 
 Gale, DebraNancy Moulton   
 Gardner, LeslieMedicine Man   
 Garland, BarbaraUSA Girls109Section1;C2 
 Garland, DavidChildren185Section2;F2 
 Garland, EthelGuests137Section2;D1 
 Garland, PhoebeUSA Girls   
 Garland, RaymondRev. Seaborn Cotton   
*Garland, Mrs. Raymond 55Section1;B1 
 Gauron, BettyUSA Girls   
 Gauron, DoloresBallet of the Tide270Section3;G1 
 Gauron, GertrudeUSA Girls   
 Gauthier, OrvilleGuests39Section1;C1 
 Gerry, LesterBraves   
 Gillespie, GertrudeSettlers   
 Gillespie, JoyceUSA Girls   
 Gillmore, AltaQuaker Woman47Section1;A1Kimball
*Gillmore, Anna 145Section2;E1 
 Greene, MarthaSettlers   
 Greenman, Charles E.Governor Wentworth   
 Greenman, Charles E.Guests   
 Gynan, FrancesPeople   
 Gynan, JohnJohn Patterso   
 Hackett, RuthBallet of the Tide   
 Haley, PatriciaBallet of the Tide   
 Hamilton, IsobelUSA Girls   
 Hamilton, MarjorieBallet of the Tide81Section1;C1 
 Hamilton, MyraBallet of the Tide75Section1;B1 
 Hammond, ElizabethTheodate Hussey   
 Hammond, JosephChildren   
 Hanson, FreemanBraves   
 Hanson, LinwoodChief   
 Harrison, VirginiaGirls of all Nations   
 Haselton, VirginiaSquaws   
 Hathaway, CharlesBraves   
 Hayden, HelenGuests144Section2;E1 
 Hayden, JohnJohn Sanborn31Section1;B1 
 Hayden, LeonardGuests   
*Heal, AdaPeople303Section3;H2 
 Heal, EugeneBoys   
 Heal, LillianPeople331Section4;J1mother of Ada
 Hersey, G. HaroldSettlers   
 Hersey, L. MarySettlers   
 Hobbs, BethUSA Girls   
 Hobbs, ShirleyGirls in contest218Section3;G1 
 Hodgens, EmmaSquaws   
*Holman, WilliamBoy and Girl Scouts377Section4;L1 
 Howe, ElizabethGuests265Section3;H1 
*Hoyt, Nancy 190Section2;F2 
*Hurd, Geary 100Section1;A2 
 Ingerson, BarbaraQueen's Guard213Section2;F2 
 Inglis, RuthUSA Girls105? 95?Section1;C2Annis
 Irving, JackPeople   
 Irving, LydiaPeople   
 James, AliceSquaws   
 Janvrin, AnneFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts209Section2;E2Grenier
 Janvrin, BertramWarren Brown   
 Janvrin, DonaldBoys   
 Janvrin, DorothyBallet of the Tide354Section4;K1 
 Janvrin, EdwardDeacon Dow   
 Janvrin, Eileen USA Girls311Section3;I2 
 Janvrin, EleanorThe States239Section3;G1 
 Janvrin, FrancesPeople   
 Janvrin, GaleGirls of all Nations184Section2;E1 
 Janvrin, KathrynThe States   
 Janvrin, KathrynBathing Belles   
 Janvrin, LouiseCharles Lamprey   
 Janvrin, MarionPeople   
 Janvrin, MaryBallet of the Tide361Section4;K1 
 Janvrin, RolandGuests123Section2;E1 
 Johnson, AliceSquaws363Section4;L1 
 Johnson, AnnieSettlers38Section1;C1 
*Johnson, Florence 191Section2;F2 
 Jones, NormaUSA Girls   
 Joubert, GwendolynGirls of all Nations291Section3;H1 
 Kelley, FredSettlers   
 Kennedy, AlthineGuests   
 Kennedy, JosephWilliam Lane   
 Kennedy, JosephGuests   
 Knowles, BrandonSlave   
 Knowles, EleanorPeople   
 Knowles, Eleanor R.People   
 Knowles, EthelPeople   
 Knowles, LouisePeople   
 Knowles, MarianPeople   
 Knowles, PhilaUSA Girls   
 Kuntz, JudithUSA Girls   
 Kuntz, MargaretUSA Girls   
 Lambert, RuthGirls of all Nations103Section1;B1 
 Lamott, EleanorGirls of all Nations   
 Lamott, EloiseSettlers   
 Lamott, MurielGirls of all Nations94Section1;C1 
*Lane, Ina 56Section1;B1 
 Laughlin, HarrietGirls of all Nations284Section3;G1Edgerly
 Laughlin, MarillaTennis Girl330Section4;J1 
 Leavitt, JamesGuests   
 Leavitt, NormanJohn Marston   
 Leavitt, RuthGuests   
 Leonard, JohnGuests   
 Locke, AlbertSettlers   
 Locke, AlbertPeople   
 Locke, DonnaSettlers   
 Locke, GwendolynGirls in contest131Section2;F1 
 Lovett, NancyGirls in contest135Section2;F1 
 Lowe, JuliaGuests   
 Mack, BerniePeople228Section3;H1 
 Magaw, JaneUSA Girls   
 Magrath, EthelPage - Boy and Girl Scouts215Section2;F2 
 Marelli, EugeniaBallet of the Tide67Section1;A1 
*Marston, Adeline 160Section2;E1 
 McConnell, EdwinaPeople243Section3;H1 
 McConnell, MarillaBallet of the Tide271Section3;H1 
 McDevitt, MabelPeople   
 Merrill, CynthiaUSA Girls   
 Merrill, DeanGuests   
 Merrill, MarjorieGirls of all Nations357Section4;K1 
 Merrill, NormanSettlers   
 Merrill, RussellSettlers193Section2;D2 
 Merrill, Russell "Punky"Boys373Section4;K2 
 Merrill, RuthSettlers48Section1;A1 
 Millbury, EleanorPeople   
 Moody, BettyBallet of the Tide   
 Moore, ChristopherSettlers   
 Moore, Donna RitaFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts313Section3;G2 
 Moore, LeoGuests   
 Moore, OliveSettlers   
 Moore, OliveWoman   
 Moore, PaulinePage - Boy and Girl Scouts214Section2;F2 
 Moreau, KaySquaws   
 Moreau, TheresaSquaws   
 Morse, MarilynPage - Boy and Girl Scouts   
 Moulton, HarryBraves   
 Moulton, HowardPeople   
 Moulton, MabelPeople   
 Moulton, RussellTown Crier5Section1;A1 
 Nason, MabelPeople   
 Newcomb, CatherinePeople251Section3;I1 
 Norton, AustinPeople   
 Norton, GwendolynBallet of the Tide181Section2;E1 
 Norton, HermanGuests   
 Norton, ThelmaThe States237Section3;G1 
 Noyes, ArthurJohnny Squaretoes80Section1;C1 
 Noyes, HaroldGuests   
 Noyes, MargaretGuests158Section2;D1 
 Noyes, W. ScottGuests46Section1;A1 
 Nudd, BettyFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts211Section2;E2Noyes
 Nudd, ElectraUSA Girls203Section2;F2 
*Nudd, Marjorie 221Section3;G1 
 O'Leary, ElaineGirls of all Nations   
 Osgood, RobertGuests   
 Page, JessieGirls in contest222Section3;G1 
 Palmer, EleanorGirls in contest (also runner-up to Queen)133Section2;F1 
 Palmer, MiriamSettlers   
 Palmer, RoscoeSettlers18Section1;C1 
 Palmer, BerniceSettlers28Section1;B1 
 Parks, GwendolynBallet of the Tide346Section4;J1 
*Parr, Doris 93Section1;B1 
*Parr, Lorraine 87Section1;A1 
 Perkins, AnnSettlers   
 Perkins, AudreyBallet of the Tide283Section3;I1 
*Perkins, Carl 200Section2;E2 
 Perkins, HildaGuests140Section2;D1 
 Perkins, KatherineGirls of all Nations288Section3;G1 
 Perkins, LesterRev. Timothy Dalton17Section1;C1 
 Perkins, MildredThe States151Section2;F1 
 Perkins, Mrs. HelenSettlers   
 Perkins, VerylUSA Girls   
 Perkins, RuthGuests142Section2;E1 
 Peters, AudreyBallet of the Tide   
 Pevear, DorisUSA Girls   
 Pevear, LuellaUSA Girls   
 Pevear, NormaUSA Girls369Section4;J2 
 Philly, LauraBallet of the Tide356Section4;K1 
 Pierce, BeverlyGuests   
 Pierce, CarolineBallet of the Tide70Section1;A1 
 Pierce, NancyGuests   
 Pollard, MaryPeople   
 Poznek, HelenBallet of the Tide   
 Randall, OlgaGirls in contest   
 Raymond, CharlesNathaniel Weare78Section1;C1 
*Raymond, WilliamBoy and Girl Scouts378Section4;L2 
*Rice, Frederick 152Section2;F1 
*Rice, Mary 150Section2;F1 
 Rice, RichardSettlers132Section2;F1 
 Roberts, GenevaUSA Girls   
 Roberts, HartfordServant   
 Roberts, MarieBallet of the Tide269Section3;G1 
 Roberts, SylviaBallet of the Tide276Section3;I1 
 Roberts, WinifredBallet of the Tide282Section3;I1 
 Robinson, VelmaGuests   
 Robinson, WilliamGuests   
 Rowe, JohnSettlers   
 Rowe, JohnGodfrey Dearborn   
 Rowe, JohnMen   
 Sanborn, EdmundWilliam Sanborn   
 Sanborn, EmmonsNathaniel Weare20Section1;C1 
 Sanborn, FidellePeople   
 Sanborn, WilsonMessenger - Quaker Persecution   
 Sanborn, WilsonGuests   
 Savage, BarbaraGirls in contest223Section3;G1 
 Scales, ClaraPeople   
 Scales, RobertPeople   
*Scott, Carrie 58Section1;C1 
 Scruton, BarbaraUSA Girls   
 Seavey, RalphSettlers   
 Seavey, RalphMan   
 Shaw, AnnaSquaws   
 Shaw, ClarenceSettlers11Section1;B1 
 Shaw, IsabelChildren84Section1;A1Amazeen
 Shaw, JessieSquaws362Section4;L1 
 Shaw, RogerChildren177Section2;D1 
 Shaw, StellaSettlers3Section1;A1 
 Shaw, WallaceChildren108Section1;C2 
 Shrewsbury, TomGuests   
 Simonds, KatherineGuests   
 Small, DorothySettlers   
 Small, LolitaGirls of all Nations   
 Small, SamuelSettlers   
 Smart, ConstanceGirls of all Nations180Section2;E1 
 Snider, RuthThe States153Section2;F1 
 Spinney, HattieSquaws   
 Stickney, ShirleyBallet of the Tide279Section3;I1 
 Storm, BerthaGuests   
 Storm, HansGuests   
 Straw, EldredPeople   
 Straw, JuneBallet of the Tide   
*Straw, ZekeBoys372Section4;K2 
 Sturgis, DorothyBallet of the Tide   
 Swain, KennethLife Guard   
 Swain, PearlPeople278Section3;I1 
 Thompson, LeonoreUSA Girls304Section3;H2 
 Thompson, NancyGirls of all Nations166Section2;D1 
 Thorssell, CharlotteSquaws   
 Thurlow, JamesBalloon Vender   
 Tilton, LawrenceJohn Legat, schoolmaster   
 Tilton, MargaretSettlers22Section1;A1 
 Tobey, AdaSettlers   
 Tobey, ArlineUSA Girls204Section2;F2 
 Tobey, ElizabethGuests (also The Queen)134Section2;F1 
 Tobey, GertrudeSquaws   
 Tobey, MargaretGuests164Section2;F1 
 Tobey, NelsonMessenger - revolution   
 Tobey, NelsonGuests   
 Tobey, SarahGuests261Section3;G1 
 Tontini, LouiseSquaws   
 Toppan, PhilipColonel Toppan117Section2;D1 
 Townsend, ArchieBoys   
 Townsend, HaroldBoys   
 Townsend, HazelPeople   
 Townsend, NelliePeople   
 Trinkleback, BeatriceSettlers57Section1;C1 
 True, EstherQuaker Woman139Section2;D1 
 Tucker, PhyllisEunice Cole1Section1;A1 
 Tufts, HarrySettlers   
 Tufts, HarryDrunkard   
 Tufts, VirginiaSettlers24Section1;A1Tilton
 Van Horne, AgnesGirls of all Nations168Section2;D1 
 Vatcher, IreneSettlers   
 Von Wallmenich, OttilieSettlers   
 Wadleigh, LawrencePeople   
 Waldron, RobertSettlers   
 Walker, JoanPage - Boy and Girl Scouts   
 Walker, JoanChildren   
 Walker, Rev. HerbertStephen Bachiler4Section1;A1 
 Walker, RobertChildren   
 Wall, ElizabethTennis Girl   
 Wall, ElizbethPeople   
 Wall, PatriciaGirls of all Nations   
 Warburton, Rev. CalvinSettlers2Section1;A1 
 Ware, DorothyGuests   
 Warner VivianGuests   
 Warner, OrlandoGuests   
 Weare, CarolynSettlers   
*White, Robert K.Boy and Girl Scouts101Section1;B2 
 Winchester, JanetFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts315Section3;H2 
 Wood, MarjorieQuaker Woman21Section1;A1 
 Woodburn, MabelBicycle Rider   
*Wright, NancyFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts208Section2;E2 
 Yeaton, LouiseBallet of the Tide   
 York, FaithSettlers   
 York, MaricaSettlers   
 Young, AlfredPeople   
 Young, ConstanceBallet of the Tide77Section1;C1Bridle
 Young, DorothyUSA Girls301Section3;G2 
 Young, EvelynUSA Girls348Section4;J1 
 Young, MarvisBallet of the Tide73Section1;B1 

Back to top of Cast list *

People Identified So Far
(in numeric order; names added based on an identification, but not in the program, are marked with an *)
 Tucker, PhyllisEunice Cole1Section1;A1 
 Warburton, Rev. CalvinSettlers2Section1;A1 
 Shaw, StellaSettlers3Section1;A1 
 Walker, Rev. HerbertStephen Bachiler4Section1;A1 
 Moulton, RussellTown Crier5Section1;A1 
 Bragg, CarlEdward Gove8Section1;B1 
 Shaw, ClarenceSettlers11Section1;B1 
 Perkins, LesterRev. Timothy Dalton17Section1;C1 
 Palmer, RoscoeSettlers18Section1;C1 
 Blake, MyronSettlers19Section1;C1 
 Sanborn, EmmonsNathaniel Weare20Section1;C1 
 Wood, MarjorieQuaker Woman21Section1;A1 
 Tilton, MargaretSettlers22Section1;A1 
 Carter, DorothyAngel23Section1;A1 
 Tufts, VirginiaSettlers24Section1;A1Tilton
 Palmer, BerniceSettlers28Section1;B1 
 Bragg, DorisHannah Gove30Section1;B1 
 Hayden, JohnJohn Sanborn31Section1;B1 
 Edgerly, CarletonPaul Revere33Section1;B1 
 Johnson, AnnieSettlers38Section1;C1 
 Gauthier, OrvilleGuests39Section1;C1 
 Noyes, W. ScottGuests46Section1;A1 
 Gillmore, AltaQuaker Woman47Section1;A1Kimball
 Merrill, RuthSettlers48Section1;A1 
*Elliot, Alice 53Section1;B1 
 Brooks, NatalieThe States54Section1;B1 
*Garland, Mrs. Raymond 55Section1;B1 
*Lane, Ina 56Section1;B1 
 Trinkleback, BeatriceSettlers57Section1;C1 
*Scott, Carrie 58Section1;C1 
 Gale, ClaraSettlers62Section1;C1 
 Batchelder, Edwin Jr.William Sanborn63Section1;A1 
 Marelli, EugeniaBallet of the Tide67Section1;A1 
 Batchelder, DorisGirls of all Nations68Section1;A1 
 Blake, JoanGirls of all Nations69Section1;A1 
 Pierce, CarolineBallet of the Tide70Section1;A1 
 Elwell, MarianBallet of the Tide71Section1;B1Mason
 Elkins, LauraBallet of the Tide72Section1;B1 
 Young, MarvisBallet of the Tide73Section1;B1 
 Hamilton, MyraBallet of the Tide75Section1;B1 
 Young, ConstanceBallet of the Tide77Section1;C1Bridle
 Raymond, CharlesNathaniel Weare78Section1;C1 
 Noyes, ArthurJohnny Squaretoes80Section1;C1 
 Hamilton, MarjorieBallet of the Tide81Section1;C1 
*Gagne, Ronald 82Section1;A2 
*Brown, StanwoodBoy and Girl Scouts83Section1;A2 
 Shaw, IsabelChildren84Section1;A1Amazeen
*Cushing, RobertBoy and Girl Scouts85Section1;A2 
*Parr, Lorraine 87Section1;A1 
 Clay, DorisGirls of all Nations90Section1;B1 
*Brown, Rita 92Section1;B1 
*Parr, Doris 93Section1;B1 
 Lamott, MurielGirls of all Nations94Section1;C1 
 Ellis, JohnChildren99Section1;C1 
*Hurd, Geary 100Section1;A2 
*White, Robert K.Boy and Girl Scouts101Section1;B2 
 Lambert, RuthGirls of all Nations103Section1;B1 
 Inglis, RuthUSA Girls105? 95?Section1;C2Annis
*Brooks, Jackie 107Section1;C2 
 Shaw, WallaceChildren108Section1;C2 
 Garland, BarbaraUSA Girls109Section1;C2 
 Brooks, John W. R.General Moulton116Section2;D1 
 Toppan, PhilipColonel Toppan117Section2;D1 
 Janvrin, RolandGuests123Section2;E1 
 Locke, GwendolynGirls in contest131Section2;F1 
 Rice, RichardSettlers132Section2;F1 
 Palmer, EleanorGirls in contest (also runner-up to Queen)133Section2;F1 
 Tobey, ElizabethGuests (also The Queen)134Section2;F1 
 Lovett, NancyGirls in contest135Section2;F1 
 Dearborn, LillianSettlers136Section2;D1 
 Garland, EthelGuests137Section2;D1 
 Brown, HelenGuests138Section2;D1 
 True, EstherQuaker Woman139Section2;D1 
 Perkins, HildaGuests140Section2;D1 
 Brooks, OliveGuests141Section2;E1Bradbury
 Perkins, RuthGuests142Section2;E1 
 Hayden, HelenGuests144Section2;E1 
*Gillmore, Anna 145Section2;E1 
*Rice, Mary 150Section2;F1 
 Perkins, MildredThe States151Section2;F1 
*Rice, Frederick 152Section2;F1 
 Snider, RuthThe States153Section2;F1 
 Blake, BarbaraThe States154Section2;F1Brown
 Noyes, MargaretGuests158Section2;D1 
 Brown, HazelGuests159Section2;E1 
*Marston, Adeline 160Section2;E1 
 Tobey, MargaretGuests164Section2;F1 
 Blake, MaryNegro Mammy165Section2;F1 
 Thompson, NancyGirls of all Nations166Section2;D1 
 Van Horne, AgnesGirls of all Nations168Section2;D1 
 Elkins, DoriceBallet of the Tide169Section2;D1 
 Colt, JeanBallet of the Tide173Section2;E1 
 Elkins, MaryBallet of the Tide175Section2;F1 
 Davidson, SarahBallet of the Tide176Section2;F1 
 Shaw, RogerChildren177Section2;D1 
 Gagne, JulieneGirls of all Nations178Section2;D1 
 Batchelder, DorothyGirls of all Nations179Section2;D1 
 Norton, GwendolynBallet of the Tide181Section2;E1 
 Smart, ConstanceGirls of all Nations180Section2;E1 
 Felker, JaniceGirls of all Nations182Section2;E1 
 Janvrin, GaleGirls of all Nations184Section2;E1 
 Garland, DavidChildren185Section2;F2 
*Edgerly, EvelynGirls of all Nations186Section2;F1 
 Cushing, WilliamChildren188Section2;F2 
 Edgerly, RuthGirls of all Nations189Section2;F1 
*Hoyt, Nancy 190Section2;F2 
*Johnson, Florence 191Section2;F2 
 Merrill, RussellSettlers193Section2;D2 
 Brown, Carroll 196Section2;E2 
*Perkins, Carl 200Section2;E2 
 Nudd, ElectraUSA Girls203Section2;F2 
 Tobey, ArlineUSA Girls204Section2;F2 
*Wright, NancyFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts208Section2;E2 
 Janvrin, AnneFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts209Section2;E2Grenier
 Nudd, BettyFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts211Section2;E2Noyes
 Ingerson, BarbaraQueen's Guard213Section2;F2 
 Moore, PaulinePage - Boy and Girl Scouts214Section2;F2 
 Magrath, EthelPage - Boy and Girl Scouts215Section2;F2 
 Elliot, Mary AnnPage - Boy and Girl Scouts216Section2;F2 
 Hobbs, ShirleyGirls in contest218Section3;G1 
 Arnold, ShirleyGirls in contest (also Miss Columbia)219Section3;G1 
 Edgerly, ThayerJohn French220Section3;G1 
*Nudd, Marjorie 221Section3;G1 
 Page, JessieGirls in contest222Section3;G1 
 Savage, BarbaraGirls in contest223Section3;G1 
 Akerman, OliverPeople224Section3;G1 
 Chase, J. MarshallBicycle Rider226Section3;G1 
 Batchelder, RobertLife Guard227Section3;H1 
 Mack, BerniePeople228Section3;H1 
 Batchelder, GordonGeorge Jenness234Section3;I1 
 Norton, ThelmaThe States237Section3;G1 
 Batchelder, CharlotteThe States238Section3;G1 
 Janvrin, EleanorThe States239Section3;G1 
 Barron, KathleenThe States240Section3;G3 
 Carter, GladysThe States241Section3;G1 
 McConnell, EdwinaPeople243Section3;H1 
 Edgerly, JeaniePeople244Section3;H1 
*Brown, ElizabethPeople247Section3;H1 
 Newcomb, CatherinePeople251Section3;I1 
 Tobey, SarahGuests261Section3;G1 
 Coffin, HazelGuests262Section3;G1Brown
 Howe, ElizabethGuests265Section3;H1 
*Elwell, AnnaBallet of the Tide266Section3;H1Mason
 Coombs, AnneBallet of the Tide267Section3;G1 
 Roberts, MarieBallet of the Tide269Section3;G1 
 Gauron, DoloresBallet of the Tide270Section3;G1 
 McConnell, MarillaBallet of the Tide271Section3;H1 
 Emery, MildredBallet of the Tide274Section3;H1 
 Emery, PriscillaBallet of the Tide275Section3;H1Brown
 Roberts, SylviaBallet of the Tide276Section3;I1 
 Batchelder, FlorencePeople277Section3;I1 
 Swain, PearlPeople278Section3;I1 
 Stickney, ShirleyBallet of the Tide279Section3;I1 
 Brown, BettyBallet of the Tide281Section3;I1Blatchford
 Roberts, WinifredBallet of the Tide282Section3;I1 
 Perkins, AudreyBallet of the Tide283Section3;I1 
 Laughlin, HarrietGirls of all Nations284Section3;G1Edgerly
 Dearborn, RichardChildren285Section3;G2 
 Perkins, KatherineGirls of all Nations288Section3;G1 
 Joubert, GwendolynGirls of all Nations291Section3;H1 
 Gagne, ConstanceUSA Girls297Section3;G2 
 Young, DorothyUSA Girls301Section3;G2 
 Freeman, BettyUSA Girls302Section3;H2Sherwin
*Heal, AdaPeople303Section3;H2 
 Thompson, LeonoreUSA Girls304Section3;H2 
 Coombs, Mary SusanUSA Girls309 or 310Section3;I2 
 Janvrin, Eileen USA Girls311Section3;I2 
 Elliot, JunePage - Boy and Girl Scouts312Section3;G2 
 Moore, Donna RitaFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts313Section3;G2 
 Winchester, JanetFlower Girl - Boy and Girl Scouts315Section3;H2 
 Laughlin, MarillaTennis Girl330Section4;J1 
 Heal, LillianPeople331Section4;J1mother of Ada
 Parks, GwendolynBallet of the Tide346Section4;J1 
 Young, EvelynUSA Girls348Section4;J1 
*Batchelder, TeddyUSA Girls350Section4;J1 
 Janvrin, DorothyBallet of the Tide354Section4;K1 
 Philly, LauraBallet of the Tide356Section4;K1 
 Merrill, MarjorieGirls of all Nations357Section4;K1 
 Janvrin, MaryBallet of the Tide361Section4;K1 
 Shaw, JessieSquaws362Section4;L1 
 Johnson, AliceSquaws363Section4;L1 
 Pevear, NormaUSA Girls369Section4;J2 
 Edgerly, AllenBoys371Section4;K2 
*Straw, ZekeBoys372Section4;K2 
 Merrill, Russell "Punky"Boys373Section4;K2 
*Holman, WilliamBoy and Girl Scouts377Section4;L1 
*Raymond, WilliamBoy and Girl Scouts378Section4;L2 
*Batchelder, GeraldBoy and Girl Scouts379Section4;L2 
 Bogret, JuneBallet of the Tide380Section4;J1